Data & Information


 Information can be characterized as a portrayal of realities, ideas, or guidelines in a formalized way, which ought to be appropriate for correspondence, translation, or handling by human or electronic machine. 

Information is addressed with the assistance of characters like letter sets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or exceptional characters (+,- ,/,*,<,>,= and so forth) 

What is Information? 

Data is coordinated or characterized information, which has some significant qualities for the recipient. Data is the handled information on which choices and activities are based. 

For the choice to be significant, the prepared information should fit the bill for the accompanying qualities − 

Ideal − Information ought to be accessible when required. 

Exactness − Information ought to be precise. 

Fulfillment − Information ought to be finished. 

PC Data Processing 

Information Processing Cycle 

Information preparing is the re-organizing or re-requesting of information by individuals or machine to expand their helpfulness and add esteems for a specific reason. Information handling comprises of the accompanying fundamental stages - information, preparing, and yield. These three stages establish the information handling cycle. 

PC Data 

Info − In this progression, the information is ready in some helpful structure for preparing. For instance, when electronic PCs are utilized, the info information can be recorded on any of the few kinds of information medium, like attractive plates, tapes, etc. 

Handling − In this progression, the info information is changed to create information in a more helpful structure. For instance, pay-checks can be determined from the time cards, or a rundown of deals for the month can be determined from the business orders. 

Yield − At this stage, the aftereffect of the procedure handling step is gathered. The specific type of the yield information relies upon the utilization of the information. For instance, yield information might be pay-checks for workers.
