C ++

 C (programming language) 

"C programming language" diverts here. For the book, see The C Programming Language. 

Not to be mistaken for C++. 

Text in light blue serif capital letters on white foundation and extremely huge light blue sans-serif letter C. 

The C Programming Language[1] (regularly alluded to as K&R), the original book on C 

Paradigm Multi-worldview: basic (procedural), organized 

Planned by Dennis Ritchie 

Developer Dennis Ritchie and Bell Labs (makers); ANSI X3J11 (ANSI C); ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 (ISO C) 

First appeared 1972; 49 years ago[2] 

Stable delivery 

C17/June 2018; 3 years prior 

See discharge 

C2x (N2596)/December 11, 2020; 8 months ago[3] 

Composing discipline Static, frail, show, ostensible 

OS Cross-stage 

Filename extensions .c, .h 

Website www.iso.org/standard/74528.html 


Significant executions 

K&R C, GCC, Clang, Intel C, C++Builder, Microsoft Visual C++, Watcom C 


Twister, Unified Parallel C, Split-C, Cilk, C* 

Impacted by 

B (BCPL, CPL), ALGOL 68,[4] Assembly, PL/I, FORTRAN 


Various: AMPL, AWK, csh, C++, C- - , C#, Objective-C, D, Go, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Limbo, LPC, Perl, PHP, Pike, Processing, Python, Rust, Seed7, Vala, Verilog (HDL),[5] Nim, Zig 

C Programming at Wikibooks 

C (/ˈsiː/, as in the letter c) is a universally useful, procedural PC programming language supporting organized programming, lexical variable extension, and recursion, with a static kind framework. By plan, C gives develops that map effectively to commonplace machine guidelines. It has discovered enduring use in applications recently coded in low level computing construct. Such applications incorporate working frameworks and different application programming for PC models that reach from supercomputers to PLCs and installed frameworks. 

A replacement to the programming language B, C was initially evolved at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie somewhere in the range of 1972 and 1973 to develop utilities running on Unix. It was applied to re-carrying out the part of the Unix working system.[6] During the 1980s, C bit by bit acquired fame. It has gotten perhaps the most generally utilized programming languages,[7][8] with C compilers from different merchants accessible for most of existing PC models and working frameworks. C has been normalized by ANSI since 1989 (ANSI C) and by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 

C is a basic procedural language. It was intended to be aggregated to give low-level admittance to memory and language builds that map proficiently to machine directions, all with negligible runtime support. Notwithstanding its low-level capacities, the language was intended to support cross-stage programming. A norms consistent C program composed considering convenientce can be ordered for a wide assortment of PC stages and working frameworks with few changes to its source code.[9] 

As of January 2021, C was positioned first in the TIOBE record, a proportion of the fame of programming dialects, climbing from the no. 2 recognize the past year.[10]


The C language likewise shows the accompanying qualities: 

The language has a little, fixed number of catchphrases, including a full arrangement of control stream natives: if/else, for, do/while, while, and switch. Client characterized names are not recognized from watchwords by any sort of sigil. 

It has countless number-crunching, bitwise, and rationale administrators: +,+=,++,&,||, and so on 

More than one task might be acted in a solitary explanation. 


Capacity return esteems can be overlooked, when not required. 

Capacity and information pointers grant specially appointed run-time polymorphism. 

Capacities may not be characterized inside the lexical extent of different capacities. 

Information composing is static, however pitifully implemented; all information has a sort, yet certain transformations are conceivable. 

Revelation language structure mirrors utilization setting. C has no "characterize" watchword; all things considered, an explanation starting with the name of a kind is taken as a presentation. There is no "work" watchword; all things being equal, a capacity is shown by the presence of a parenthesized contention list. 

Client characterized (typedef) and compound sorts are conceivable. 

Heterogeneous total information types (struct) permit related information components to be gotten to and relegated as a unit. 

Association is a construction with covering individuals; just the last part put away is substantial. 

Exhibit ordering is an auxiliary documentation, characterized as far as pointer math. Dissimilar to structs, exhibits are not top notch objects: they can't be relegated or thought about utilizing single underlying administrators. There is no "exhibit" catchphrase being used or definition; all things considered, square sections demonstrate clusters linguistically, for instance month[11]. 

Specified sorts are conceivable with the enum catchphrase. They are uninhibitedly interconvertible with numbers. 

Strings are not an unmistakable information type, but rather are routinely executed as invalid ended person clusters. 

Low-level admittance to PC memory is conceivable by changing over machine locations to composed pointers. 

Techniques (subroutines not returning qualities) are an extraordinary instance of capacity, with an untyped return type void. 

A preprocessor performs full scale definition, source code document incorporation, and contingent aggregation. 

There is a fundamental type of seclusion: records can be gathered independently and connected together, with authority over what capacities and information objects are noticeable to different documents by means of static and extern credits.
